👋🏼 Hi, I'm Robin Dagdeviren

I help purpose-led founders attract, convert, and retain more customers.

Trusted by

Varannan Vecka • Edger Finance • Techstars • NetZero Build • Hyper Island • Katalysen Ventures

About Valued

I believe that making people feel valued is a condition for sustainable and profitable companies.

Every company consists of people.

Whether it’s employees, investors, customers, partners and suppliers. If you’ve ever felt undervalued or unappreciated by a company, it probably didn’t take that much time before you chose to go somewhere else.

The root cause for me leaving a company as a customer is not feeling valued, and I know I’m not the only one.

Let’s make your customers feel Valued!


All collaboration with me consist of teamwork and getting perspectives from someone with experience from many industries and companies. 

No matter the service, it’s about setting a direction so you can spend time on activities that makes a difference and spend your resources on what gives a return.

You can be sure that I have your back, making the journey less lonely.

You’ve become a master of producing and doing what’s necessary, good job! You’ve created something you thought was in demand but nothing happened after release? You know that you just need to release that thing you’ve been working on but keep on procrastinating?

Let’s have a look at it together! Whether it’s a new offering, App Store Optimisation or sales process you’ll have clear next steps for reaching your goal.

Friends are biased and want what’s best for you. We need them, but for other things than bouncing business decisions. Bring your specific challenge and we’ll explore options that bring you forward, not around in circles. 

Depending on the challenge, we set up a clear plan with regular check-ins and a space for you to think out loud with helping questions from me.

The list of your to-do’s is getting longer and overwhelming. You are lagging behind with important activities like understanding your current and future customers, delivering on what you promise and the feeling of not being able to move forward in the pace you want is creeping upon you.
Hiring takes time and finding someone that can jump right in is difficult. An agency won’t give you bang for the buck and you risk putting more energy into managing their deliveries than move forward.

I help you assess your current situation, define your future state and the most important activities that will take you there. From that, I become a part of the team for 1-3 days per week.

Bounce with me

I run Valued myself and collaborate with multiple freelancers and agencies depending on the specific task at hand.

You’ll quickly learn that I’m always up for bouncing ideas. Let’s start with a hello 😊